St. John Birchman Society
The object of this society is to help altar-boys to fulfill their sacred duties attentively and devoutly, through St. John Berchmans' intercession and by his example, so that Almighty God may be glorified, and the people may receive edification. Among the simple little rules, we find that each member of the society is to avoid carefully unnecessary talking, looking around, moving his head and feet, or playing with his hands while serving at Mass and that he shall be punctual in attendance, and make the responses devoutly.

To be Christ's page at the altar,
To serve Him freely there.
Where even the Angels falter,
Bowed low in reverent prayer.
To touch the throne most holy,
To hand the gifts for the feast,
To see Him meekly, lowly,
Descend at the word of the priest.
To hear man's poor petition,
To sound the silver bell,
When He in sweet submission,
Comes down with us to dwell.
No grander mission surely
Could Saints or men enjoy;
No heart should love more purely,
Than yours my altar boy.
God bless you, lad, forever,
And keep you in His care,
And Guard you that you never
Belie the robes you wear.
For white bespeaks untainted
A heart both tried and true;
And red tolls love the sainted
The holy martyrs knew.
Throughout life, then, endeavor
God's graces to employ;
And be in heart forever
A holy altar boy.
------ by St. John Berchmans