Date: 2nd Sunday
Time: After 9:00 Mass
"With One Voice" we strive to promote the sacredness of Catholic Liturgy and seek to re-evangelize our culture.
Date: 3rd Sunday
Time: After 9:00 Mass
This group is a fellowship of men who join together to fight the temptation of the world. This is achieved by mutual aid and the bond of friendship, as well as striving to learn and understand the theological and philosophical problems facing the Modern Catholic.
The object of this society is to help altar-boys to fulfill their sacred duties attentively and devoutly, through St. John Birchmans' intercession and by bis example, so that Almighty God may be glorified, and the people may receive edification. Among the simple little rules, we find that each member of the society is to avoid carefully unnecessary talking, looking around, moving his head and feet, or playing with his hands while serving at Mass and that he shall be punctual in attendance, and make the responses devoutly.
Date: 1st Sunday
Time: After 9:00 Mass
St. Joseph Parish Altar and Rosary Society members have the special privilege and responsibility of keeping St. Joseph Parish in a condition worthy of the House of God for many years. All women of the Church are welcomed, and it is our goal that every woman in the parish will become affiliated with the Altar and Rosary Society and share in the graces to be gained by being a member, as we give honor to Mary Our Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.
See page for updated events and contacts
A group of young adults from St. Joseph's Parish. The group exists to build friendship between young orthodox Catholics, deepening their understanding of the Catholic faith and growing one's spiritual life. We have various events of spiritual talks, dinners, game nights, meet ups and gatherings at members' homes.